
北京六一 垂直電泳儀(槽)(大號)DYCZ-28D型雙板夾芯式

產(chǎn) 品 編 號 76662GC155
產(chǎn) 品 型 號 DYCZ-28D
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   服 務 熱 線: 400-0630-558

      廣州深華公司提供的DYCZ-28型 雙板夾芯式垂直儀(槽)主要用于蛋白凝膠電泳,有冷卻裝置。


基本參數(shù) 外形尺寸(L×W×D):190×150×270mm 凝膠板規(guī)格(L×W):200×125mm 試樣格:15、24齒,1.0、1.5mm厚 重量:約5Kg 緩沖液總?cè)萘浚杭s2400ml 性能用途: 有冷卻裝置,用于蛋白凝膠電泳。 Feature: ■ It has the cooling device; ■ Double clamp-plates that can cast two gels at one time; ■ The tank body is made of the high transparent, insulative synthetic glass, and no leakage. ■ Electrodes are made by pure platinum ( the purity quotient of the noble metal≥99.95%)which have the features of corrosion resistance of electroanalysis and withstand high temperature. Specifications: ■ Gel dimension (L X W): 200 × 125 (mm); ■ Runs up to 15 or 24 samples; ■ Comb thickness: 1.0 (mm) and 1.5 (mm); ■ Buffer volume: about 2400ml; ■ Size (L X W X H):190×150×270 (mm); ■ Weight: about 5 kg. Applications: It is used for protein electrophoresis experiments, it is simple and easy to use, and suitable for teaching and scientific research.
本站優(yōu)惠價:1100.00  元


產(chǎn)品編號: 76662GC155
基本參數(shù) 外形尺寸(L×W×D):160×150×170mm 凝膠板規(guī)格(L×W):125×100mm 試樣格:12、16齒,1.0、1.5mm厚 重量:約3.5Kg 緩沖液總?cè)萘浚杭s1350ml 性能用途: 有冷卻裝置,用于蛋白凝膠電泳。 Feature: ■ It has the cooling device; ■ Double clamp-plates that can cast two gels at one time; ■ The tank body is made of the high transparent, insulative synthetic glass, and no leakage. ■ Electrodes are made by pure platinum ( the purity quotient of the noble metal≥99.95%)which have the features of corrosion resistance of electroanalysis and withstand high temperature. Specifications: ■ Gel dimension (L X W): 125 × 100 (mm); ■ Runs up to 12 or 16 samples; ■ Comb thickness: 1.0 (mm) and 1.5 (mm); ■ Buffer volume: about 1350ml; ■ Size (L X W X H):160×150×170 (mm); ■ Weight: about 3.5 kg. Applications: It is used for protein electrophoresis experiments, it is simple and easy to use, and suitable for teaching and scientific research.
本站優(yōu)惠價:780.00  元


產(chǎn)品編號: 76662GC155